Everyone deserves an equal place at the starting line.

Gender Inequality has led to a $160 trillion loss in global wealth. (World Bank)
Racial inequality has cost America $16 trillion in GDP over the past 20 years. (Citi)
Our goal is to help close the $2.7 trillion wage gap identified by Citi by using a proven, interactive “coach and do” training approach to develop and inspire underserved young adults and entrepreneurs.

The diversity and determination of the Stroud family is the story of America herself.
I’m Frank Shines, Stroud descendant and founder of the Stroud Leadership Academy. Drawing upon over 25 years as an IBM and EY management consultant coupled with my time training and competing with Olympic athletes and later learning to fly Air Force jets, I’ve developed a rapid “coach & do” training approach to teach biz and tech skills to underserved communities. Our partners, IBOC “RACE”, the RTL Foundation, Pioneers Museum (CSPM) and the Colorado College Stroud Scholars, have helped us expand our reach.
We Value Your Support: Three Programs in 2023
Program 1: Interactive “Coach & Do” Biz and Tech training in partnership with Dr. Mikel J. & Sandra Harry’s Six Sigma Management Institute (MindPro), GUETTO, and Serena Williams-funded startup Freeing Returns, founded by Barbara Jones (train 100 women on Salesforce.com)
With your help, we trained our first cohort of 12 students; six earned a Lean Six Sigma Action Belt Certification in the second half of 2022.
Our goal is to train and inspire 400 students in Lean Six Sigma project management, critical thinking and problem-solving skills in 2023
Program 2: RACE the Opera brings untold story of Dolphus Stroud’s Olympic quest to the stage in partnership with Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum, IBOC.nyc and award-winning visual artist Athena Azevedo

Program 3: With guidance from Stroud family friend, TV actor and producer, Tim Reid, a Stroud family documentary is underway. Frank Shines is partnering with Ralph G., UCCS, Mike Pach, Colorado College, US Air Force Academy and the Pioneers Museum.

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Our Lying Minds: Critical Thinking for Diverse Teams
Just $25. You can cover 1/4 of the cost of a training course for a single student in 2023.
501(C) non profit with Stroud Leadership Academy Partner RTL Foundation.